英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:32:10

live out

英 [liv aut]

美 [liv aʊt]

实践; 活过; 住在外面; 不住在雇主家
  • 词典解释

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1. (在某处或某种境况下)度过余生
If you live out your life in a particular place or in particular circumstances, you stay in that place or in those circumstances until the end of your life or until the end of a particular period of your life.

e.g. Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum...
e.g. I couldn't live my life out on tour like he does.

2. 实践;身体力行
If you live out a dream or idea, you do the things that you have thought about.

e.g. He began living out his rock 'n' roll fantasy during his last year in law school...
e.g. I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be, and then they live it out.

1. 活过(某一段时间):live on 靠...生活;以...为食 . | live out 活过(某一段时间) . | live through 经历过;度过;经受住 .

2. 活过:live on 继续生活 | live out 活过 | live parking 停车

3. 过(某种生活):46bring ... to life使有活力(或生气) | 47live out过(某种生活) | 48bring ... into court控告,起诉

4. 实践,身体力行:16.courageously adv.无畏地 | 17.live out 实践,身体力行 | 18.tribute n.颂辞,称赞

  • 情景对话

Chatting online-(网络聊天)

live out在线翻译

A:Do you chat online often?

B:No. do you ?

live out的反义词

A:All the time. we actually use it at work. Out boss thinks it’s a better idea to chat online than to talk on the phones.

B:I guess that makes the office a quieter place to work.


B:Do you ever chat with strangers?

live out

A:Sure. I usually go to some chat rooms in the evening.

B:Is it strange talking to strangers?

A:At first it was, but now I enjoy it. They don’t know me, so I can say whatever I want.

live out的意思

B:Is it dangerous?

A:What do you mean?

live out什么意思

B:Could they find out where you live or work?

A:Only if you tell them.

B:Do you ever use your real name?

A:Oh, no. I use username.

B:What is it?

A:China girl.

B:That’s original!

Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land.(鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。)
If shedoesn't like something, then back off, but don't hesitate to live out your fantasy.(要是她不喜欢什么,那就抛开那不谈,但是为了实现你的美梦,不要犹犹豫豫。)
Some college students will have to live out.(有些大学生将不得不住在校外。)
For here, 1,500 captive tigers - around half as many as there are thought to be remaining in the wild - live out miserable lives in squalid conditions.(因为在这里,一千五百匹被圈养的老虎之中大约有将近一半被认为应该完全离开如此恶劣且备受煎熬的龌龊环境,放归野外野化。)
As a believer, you lack nothing to live out God's purpose for your life.(作为一名信徒,离开了上帝旨意,你没有任何东西能活下去。)
Yes, he could live out here. If only he had a little food, what more would he want?(看到一个大石头,他爬了上去,环视了一下周围的树木,想道:是的,我就可以住在这儿,只要有一点点食物,我还会要求什么呢?)
The money he got from winning the lottery allowed him to live out his dream of sailing around the world.(他中彩票获得的钱足以让他实现航海环游世界的梦想。)
We live out in the sticks.(我们住在偏远的乡村。)
The words, "if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all," brings up and enforces certain pictures that you will eventually live out.(这句话,“如果霉运也走了,那我连最后的运气也没有了”,呈现出你将来的生活并驱使你相信这终将成为现实。)
Others live out their last days in anger, bitterly railing against the miserable fate they've been dealt.(其他一些人在愤怒中度过他们最后的日子,怨恨地抱怨他们面对的悲惨的命运。)
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